Freedom of the Heart: a New Moon Ritual with Pascale

29.01 20:30 – 22:00

The new moon is the time for energy renewal—a chance to begin again, refresh our commitment to ourselves, and align with our deepest intentions. It’s a good time to gather our energy and find inspiration, both individually and collectively. A moment in the constant rhythm of expansion and contraction to align our actions with our hearts.

The new moon invites us to pause, turn inward, and plant seeds of awareness and purpose for the journey to come. In this ritual, we gather in shared intentions to set the tone for the cycle ahead.

This month, the new moon rises in Aquarius, the visionary sign of freedom and revolution. Aquarius invites us to reflect on how we honor our individuality while staying connected to the collective. Its energy encourages radical change, authenticity, and community.

Join us for a cozy evening of ritual as we celebrate the unique magic of this lunar moment.

What to expect:

Gentle breathwork & Yin Yoga
Intention setting for the moon cycle
Tarot reading for inspiration & reflection
Closing circle & Meditation

Bring a pen + paper and comfortable clothes.

Normal class price <3

Book here or through the USC app.


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