The Sound of Your Heart – Cacao Singing Circle and Sound Healing with Alisa 

12.10 20:00-22:30

On this evening we will hold a Ceremony with the Sacred Medicine of Cacao and explore our singing voices to connect deeply with our hearts.

Singing is a powerful healing technique that helps us to connect with our heart and our truth. It reduces stress and anxiety, improves physical and mental health, releases trauma and increases our creativity and mental clarity.
We can find inner peace and raise our spirit. When you praise the divine – in whatever form it manifests for you – you will experience a sense of oneness with those around you and a feeling of true joy and love.

The overtone-rich sounds of the Singing Bowls during the Sound Healing will put you into the alpha state, a pleasant trance in which you can release tension and physical and mental blockages and exchange them for the experience of soothing vibrations.

What to expect?
Cacao Ceremony with
•⁠ ⁠Voice Activation Exercises
•⁠ ⁠Singing of Mantras and other Medicine Songs
•⁠ ⁠Sound Healing

Alisa is a trained Yoga Teacher, Emotions Coach and Music Teacher. She follows the Inca Paqo Pampamesayoq Path and the tradition of the Andean Cosmovision.

20€ or USC check-in + 10€


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