COSMIC BODY: Somatic Ritual with Iara

01.02 19:30 – 21:00

We will gather together to explore and cultivate abundance within ourselves. Cosmic Body is a safe space to explore the pleasure and clarity that lies in being guided by our erotic power.

We will be sharing ancestral and science-based practices to reconnect with your inner power and wisdom. A reset of your energy. A rewire of your nervous system towards states of connection and expansion. A workshop, to train our capacity to hold more pleasure, love and creativity.

Expect tantra practices, de-armoring, compassionate self-exploration of the emotional body, somatic practices and meditation <3

Iara Vilardebo is a Somatic Coach specialized in sexuality, nervous system and trauma. Her journey of healing her Endometriosis led her to be trained in Conscious Sexuality, Fertility Awareness, Mindfulness Meditation, Tantra and Somatic Experiencing.
Through 1:1 sessions and workshops she creates safe spaces for people to descend to their bodies, hear themselves and unlock the power to live more connected to their visions and desires.

Normal class price <3

Book here or through the USC app.


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