Dream Gong Journey & Blue Lotus Ceremony with Storm

08.02 19:45 – 21:00

Join storm for a dreamy gong sound journey, as deep transcendent soundscapes & theta waves carry us into rest, relaxation, dreaming and inspiration. The potent resonance of the gong offers a deeply restorative experience, an invitation to explore the depths of the somatic and subconscious planes. Dream Weaving is the intention for sharing this experience, and to facilitate a deeper connection to the surrealism of the dream world you are invited to enjoy a warm infusion of blue lotus tea, to decompress, shed the layers of the week, and start the next cycle with a renewed sense of clarity and inner peace.

If you are curious:

The Blue Lotus is intrinsically connected to the rebirth cycle, promising a new beginning and an opportunity to meet the light through blooming in the rising sun. To the Ancient Egyptians this flower was seen as a symbol of life, a celebration of life & its cycles. The effect of blue lotus in a warm infusion will decompress the nervous system and relax the whole body. As a gentle remedy it mobilises stagnant energy, aiding rejuvenation and detoxification. On a subtle, psycho-somatic level, Blue lotus can sometimes help to enter the world of vivid dreaming, or maybe a deeper invitation to meet a very ancient primordial energy. Working with this essence & the gong together is potent, and the intention to share this sacred gift with you in this journey is to empower your sacred vision, as you embody your dreams and carry them into reality.

Please feel free to write to Storm personally if you have any questions and they will kindly share to you more information : stormhartley1@gmail.com

Normal class price <3

Book here or through the USC app.


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