Mushroom Music Temple: A Full Moon Journey of Release and Rebirth with Nanjing & Pascal

15.02 15:30 – 22:00

Let time dissolve as we gather for a healing ritual dedicated to Europe’s ancient medicine-Amanita Muscaria.
(Deutsch: Fliegenpilz)

This ritual serves as a journey of self-guidance into the sacred, fostering connection with spirit and our true nature.
In a small, mindful circle, we experience transformation, awaken our inner strength, and allow healing to flow.

Immersing with mystic sounds of nature, we will remember our inner wisdom and the traditions that deeply connect us to nature and life itself.

Ritual, Sounds & Music:
Bathing in the ethereal sounds of Nanjing, weaving sonic tapestries that awaken the soul.

Amanita Medicine:
Sourced directly from the wild by medicine man Pascal, this sacred mushroom carries the whispers of the forest, offering grounding, release, and transformation.

What to Bring:

A water bottle to stay hydrated
A journal and pen for reflections
Item for the altar to honor your intentions
Comfortable clothes to move and rest in ease

About the facilitators:

Nanjing Deng: Nanjing is a voice/sound healer and energy worker with a specialization in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Her mission is to be a bridge between traditional Chinese and Western culture, and help souls remember the ancient wisdom that lives inside each and everyone of us.

Pascal: His mission is to guide people back to their hearts and the inner temple of their universe, helping them to experience the divine and healing essence of their true selves—for themselves! It is the journey from light into darkness and back into the light. The way back home.

He supports people worldwide in reconnecting with themselves, timeless wisdom, ancient traditions, our planet, and our ancestors. With dedication, he creates gentle, heartfelt healing spaces where he facilitates rituals through a holistic approach, integrating plant medicine, meditation and many other universal keys.


To ensure the quality of the experience, this event is limited to only 5 people. Book your spot here.

Overlay – DE

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