Luisa Morgenroth

Luisa Morgenroth

Luisa is an interdisciplinary dance artist and yoga teacher with a 500-hour RYT certification in Ashtanga Vinyasa, which she completed during her trainings with her teacher in Mexico in 2021 and 2023.

The world of yoga opened up to her during a Vipassana meditation retreat in 2018, and since then she has integrated the practice alongside other physical disciplines. After earning her diploma in dance, she organized dance festivals and workshops, sharing her passion for movement in addition to her performance career. For over ten years, Luisa has been teaching movement, progressing on her path to hold space and teach with authenticity.

Currently pursuing her master’s in Critical Dance Studies, she has written a research paper on the grounding effects of the Ashtanga Primary Series and the body’s ability to process memories through asana practice.


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