Paloma Angulo


I have been travelling the world for 10 years, running away and toward myself, looking for inspiration, searching for freedom, seeking for knowledge.
Until 7 years ago, I finally found all of this in one place: Berlin.
Throughout my life I worked as a Massage Therapist and Reiki Practitioner but I never really felt a sense of true belonging until I had my first encounter with a Gong.
My mind stopped going 100 miles an hour and finally could focus, could slow down, could let go.
A vision assembled in my head, myself surrounded by Gongs in the middle of a pine forest. Playing for the trees, playing for nature.
I went through countless depressions and struggles with social anxieties.I believed that I had to be fully healed to share with others.The real healing actually started when I decided to jump into this uncomfortably scary but fascinating experience, to become a “ Teacher/Sound Healer “.
In all honesty I feel more like I am an instrument through which the Universe plays its music.

In my work I attach a special value to diversity.
By being my raw self and showing my vulnerability, strangeness and playfulness, I want to influence people to accept themselves the way they are.To welcome their „Darkness“ as well as their „Light“.
With Sounds and other healing techniques, I create a space-time to reunite both those polarities.
My first intention during a session is to help people, although after each class, I noticed a significant growth and healing within myself.
I see this singular moment as a loop of energy and exchange between you, me & the instruments, suspended in time, anchoring us all in the present moment.

There is a beautiful Chaos in all of us.
Dormant,unheard,unwanted,stagnant or suppressed emotions and energies.
They sleep inside our core,awaiting the moment when they can finally express themselves.
They have their own particular beauty and deserve to exist.


Overlay – DE

HD Livestream Classes

Ihr Lieben,
ab sofort findet ihr in unserem Stundenplan mehrere online Klassen täglich.
Für jede*n ist was dabei, live und in HD.

Wenn du teilnehmen möchtest, befolge diese Schritte:

  1. Wir benutzen Zoom: Lade die App herunter.
  2. Registriere dich mindestens 20 Minuten bevor die Klasse beginnt.
  3. Nach erfolgreicher Anmeldung, gehe zu unserem Wartezimmer und melde dich mit dem selben Name an, wie bei der Anmeldung.

Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Anmeldung Livestream Classes

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