Every Sunday 15:30 – 16:30

This class will be offered alternately by Nikolas (who will focus on Zen meditation, in English) and Jan (who will focus in Buddhist meditation in German). Check our schedule every week 😉

In meditation, we practice mindfulness for what’s given here and now. We learn to witness and pause before reacting compulsively. Thus, we create space to act freely and open our minds and hearts. Meditation


11.2. 20:30 – 22:00

Lunar Fire – Entfache dein inneres Licht!

Zum kraftvollen Schneemond im Löwen feiern wir die Magie der Gegensätze. Der Winter erreicht seinen Höhepunkt, und wir schenken unserem Körper bewusste Aufmerksamkeit.

Am 11. Februar widmen wir uns dem Solarplexus-Chakra – dem Zentrum von Selbstbewusstsein und Willenskraft. Mit Tarot gewinnen wir Klarheit darüber, wo wir bereits in unserer Kraft stehen und wo


29.01 20:30 – 22:00

The new moon is the time for energy renewal—a chance to begin again, refresh our commitment to ourselves, and align with our deepest intentions. It’s a good time to gather our energy and find inspiration, both individually and collectively. A moment in the constant rhythm of expansion and contraction to align our actions with our hearts.

The new moon invites us to pause, turn inward, and plant seeds of awareness and purpose


01.02 19:30 – 21:00

We will gather together to explore and cultivate abundance within ourselves. Cosmic Body is a safe space to explore the pleasure and clarity that lies in being guided by our erotic power.

We will be sharing ancestral and science-based practices to reconnect with your inner power and wisdom. A reset of your energy. A rewire of your nervous system towards states of connection and expansion. A workshop, to train our capacity to hold


08.02 15:15 – 17:45

Are you ready to take the next step in your Ashtanga practice? This workshop is designed for practitioners who are familiar with the first half of the Primary Series and are curious to explore the second half—or for those already practicing it and looking to refine their approach.

Together, we’ll explore each asana in the second half, focusing on alignment, breath, and the subtle work


08.02 19:45 – 21:00

Join storm for a dreamy gong sound journey, as deep transcendent soundscapes & theta waves carry us into rest, relaxation, dreaming and inspiration. The potent resonance of the gong offers a deeply restorative experience, an invitation to explore the depths of the somatic and subconscious planes. Dream Weaving is the intention for sharing this experience, and to facilitate a deeper connection to


22.02 19:30 – 22:00

Join for an extraordinary fusion of Eye Gazing Breathwork and GongTrance — explore authentic intimacy beyond conventional boundaries with a partner of choice for an intimate fusion of tantric energy. 

Eye gazing is a sacred tantric practice – in combination with conscious connected breathwork, powerful tools that rewire the brain and nervous system to perceive intimate connection


13.02 20:30 – 21:30

In our daily lives, we rarely take time to process our emotions. We analyze, we overthink, we repress, we cope. This causes a disconnect to our conscious self – we lack feeling present and grounded. We create recurring patterns in our life over and over again, because the emotions we are repressing are a reflection of past pain that wants to be liberated. How do we liberate this stuck energy in our body?


15.02 15:30 – 22:00

Let time dissolve as we gather for a healing ritual dedicated to Europe’s ancient medicine-Amanita Muscaria.
(Deutsch: Fliegenpilz)

This ritual serves as a journey of self-guidance into the sacred, fostering connection with spirit and our true nature.
In a small, mindful circle, we experience transformation, awaken our inner strength, and allow healing to flow.

Immersing with mystic sounds of nature, we


Overlay – DE

HD Livestream Classes

Ihr Lieben,
ab sofort findet ihr in unserem Stundenplan mehrere online Klassen täglich.
Für jede*n ist was dabei, live und in HD.

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  1. Wir benutzen Zoom: Lade die App herunter.
  2. Registriere dich mindestens 20 Minuten bevor die Klasse beginnt.
  3. Nach erfolgreicher Anmeldung, gehe zu unserem Wartezimmer und melde dich mit dem selben Name an, wie bei der Anmeldung.

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