Karolina Juchnik


“Our breath is connected to the air that every being breathes. By breathing consciously, we acknowledge our communion with all of life.“ (Sharon Gannon)

My longing for a like-minded community first brought me to a yoga mat in 2014 and since then it has continued to transform my life by giving it meaning and a goal to work towards.

As an Advanced Certified 800 + hour Jivamukti Yoga Teacher I still find myself deeply related to the core essence of this method which is compassion for all beings. Ahimsa, non-violence, which is expressed in the intention not to harm anyone, neither through thoughts, words nor deeds, is part of my daily, personal sadhana – spiritual practice. By taking the shapes of other living beings on our yoga mats, we practice empathy for other bodies and respect for unfamiliar perspectives.

My classes are composed of a flowing and challenging journey while the individual asanas clearly build upon each other from the warm-up to the end of the class with different options for all levels. I love offering students an experience of true connection with the here and now through all possible means such as choice of music, breath-related movements, heartfelt chanting of mantras and the best intended hands-on-assists.

I am deeply grateful to all my teachers from the past, present and future.



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Anmeldung Livestream Classes

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