Katrin Niedermaier

katrin niedermaier

My journey with yoga began many years ago when I was drawn to the physical benefits it brought to my body. As I continued my practice, I soon discovered the profound mental changes, helping me overcome various health and well-being challenges.
With years of dedicated practice and 500 hours of teacher training, I now feel more at peace within my body and mind than ever before.
My academic background in Biology and Forensic Science has deepened my interest in the anatomical alignment of asanas, allowing me to build a solid foundation for safe practice, which I’m passionate to share.
Recently, I have expanded my vision to include Bhakti yoga, embracing the joy of playing the harmonium and chanting by myself and in community.
Join me on the mat to explore the transformative power of yoga together.


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HD Livestream Classes

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ab sofort findet ihr in unserem Stundenplan mehrere online Klassen täglich.
Für jede*n ist was dabei, live und in HD.

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  2. Registriere dich mindestens 20 Minuten bevor die Klasse beginnt.
  3. Nach erfolgreicher Anmeldung, gehe zu unserem Wartezimmer und melde dich mit dem selben Name an, wie bei der Anmeldung.

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Anmeldung Livestream Classes

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