Leonie Sibila

Leonie sibila

Leo started her yoga journey in her early teens, feeling at ease to have found a moving practice that was not about winning or being the best. Starting to travel through Southeast Asia and India a few years later she was able to discover different styles of the yoga practice. She then began her 750hr teacher training in 2018 focusing on hatha yoga and yoga philosophy in Berlin. In 2023 a 200hr vinyasa and yin training followed in the north of India.
In early 2024 she finished her 3 month apprenticeship with jivamukti and ashtanga teacher Sandra Gerhard.
Realizing the importance of breath for the practice but also for mental and emotional ease and healing Leo also did a two year breathwork training.

Leos classes are inspired by her own dedicated Ashtanga practice. You can expect powerful flows and a room for deep relaxation to connect to your body and breath.


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