Pascale Pieper


Yoga has been the constant in my life for a long time now. Everything changes and moves around, and yoga is one of the things that always stay close to the center of the wheel.

The physical aspect of yoga is fascinating to me, as I was always a movement creature. The connection with my body and the awareness that comes with that, gets only stronger and deeper, showing me new layers of myself and the beautiful humans around me.

The spiritual aspect of yoga feels like a container to all my questions, always coming back to the concept of unity and love as the answer.

I have been in love with Ashtanga Yoga for many years. I find the precision, the elegance, the relationship with the breath, simply magical. Nothing has given me this amount of grounding and stability as a daily practice.

After years of yang immersion, I find myself looking for balance in the soft waters of Yin Yoga… Like in the yin/yang symbol, in life and in my yoga practice and teaching, I’m inspired to find this little dot of yin in the yang, and the seed of yang in the yin.

Besides yoga, I’m in love with nature, tarot, and shadow work.


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