Nikolas Bieleit-Medicus

Nikolas Bieleit-Medicus

Nikolas practices Zen Buddhism with dedication. He has lived and studied in several monasteries and endeavors to let Zen permeate all his life. He is also trained as an Ashtanga teacher and works as a psychologist and facilitator of group transformation.

Nikolas grew up in Berlin with a thirst for life’s possibilities and left to work in Peru right after high school. He has explored countries and communities for many years, searching for purpose and self-overcoming, always following his questioning mind. Some years ago, however, life’s myriad possibilities turned the questioning into restless doubt. As a Zen teacher told him: You’ve learned to pull the ground from under your feet but you haven’t yet learned to fly. Now, he says, Zen practice is teaching him to fly—it’s teaching him how not to get stuck. He invites you to join the learning journey.

Once above a lonely mountain peak, the clouds parted. Beneath the moon: a cry of laughter.
—Zen poem collected by Nishitani


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