Storm Hartley


Storm is an interdisciplinary healing arts facilitator, guiding rituals and sensory experiences that traverse the realms of sonic meditation, restorative immersions and movement alchemy. Yogic traditions inspired a deep curiosity to apprentice traditional approaches toward the Eightfold Path (Ashtanga) and combining this theory and praxis within the intrapersonal realms of inner somatic inquiry & movement meditation. 

Storm brings a unique fusion of traditional and avant garde approaches to teaching. She holds a BFA in Dramatic Arts from NYU’s theatrical conservatory program and is deeply connected to music. As a multi instrumentalist and techno dj, her offering resonates as a sacred moment to reconnect with the synergy of sound and devotional practice.

 Storm serves in virtue to use frequency as a gateway opener to hold space with the intention to facilitate embodied reconnection, as well as mirroring light and shadow in balance through art and praxis. 


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HD Livestream Classes

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ab sofort findet ihr in unserem Stundenplan mehrere online Klassen täglich.
Für jede*n ist was dabei, live und in HD.

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  3. Nach erfolgreicher Anmeldung, gehe zu unserem Wartezimmer und melde dich mit dem selben Name an, wie bei der Anmeldung.

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Anmeldung Livestream Classes

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